Here is Sam and Madie having fun with the water. What crazy girls they were! You would have thought they were five years old. LOL
Steph was having fun climbing on the fire trucks. She still thinks she is part monkey! She has never out grown that yet.
I really enjoyed seeing all of my little school friends there having such a great time. Here are a few of them.Here is one of my Very special school friend...Samantha Robertson. She has a special place in my heart. She is such a funny girl. You can't help but luv her!
We even got Samantha to spray the water....that was at least after she ran through the fire hose water first. She got a kick out of that...........and so did I! What a character she is.
Sam and Madie got a kick out of their new hats and balloons.......see I tell ya you'd think they were only five years old. HAHAHAHA

Steph, Sam and Madie got to have there special visit with Smokey the Bear. That was fun to have him there. Some kids loved it, others were scared to death.Steph and Makenna were of course enjoying all of their goodies from the firemen.
OH yes and here are our future Firemen.....er....an Firewomen. HELP US NOW. LOL Honk the horn, ring the siren. Here comes Sam, Shawnee, Madie, and Landon.
Mike was at dance for most of this, but when she did show up she decided she better join in on the fun. So here comes Firewomen Mike too.
At the end of the night the firemen had to do their share of the cleanup. Kurtis got to fill the water back up in the yellow fire truck. Doesn't he look so thrilled. That looks like tough work...LOL
1 comment:
Your blog is always full of fun information.! I too loved the blind date story...I don't even remember the rest of the talk...I was still laughing. I'll have to read it next month Ü. The firework story was scary...they are SO lucky to not have been injured. Your girls are adorable. They just keep getting older.! Eeekkee...I guess that means we are too. Oy.
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