Monday, January 25, 2010


Ok, Cutest thing ever today. Steph had to do a book report on Lucille Ball. She Spent the whole day yesterday preparing for this. So remember the episode of I LOVE LUCY where Lucy and Ethel are working in a candy factory with the candies on the conveyor belt....well Steph even built a conveyor belt to run her candies across for this report. She found a pink dress and a hat and apron to portray this episode....and thanks to Valene she got to wear pearls too. We had some fake pink pearls picked out. It was the closest thing we could find to pearls then Valene saved the day when we got to school and seen what Steph was doing whipped them of her neck and said "ooh ya you need these" Thanks Valene! I got to take a quick break from the computer lab and snuck in and watched and got a few pics.

Here she is presenting her report to the class.

This is her conveyor belt
Here is part of the episode. We love The "I LOVE LUCY SHOW" so this was a lot of fun!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Drill Team Richfield Competition

We spent the day in Richfield today watching the drill competition. Our drill team once again did really well! I am so proud at how hard Mike has worked. January is their competition month and they spend almost every spare minute practicing. Mike has practiced so hard that her outer thighs are way bruised along with her hands and knees. The ones on her hands and thighs are from slapping hard during military practice. Lisa and Marcie have done such a great job with them. 32 girls on the team. They are the biggest where ever they go so far. They look great! Here is some photos of today's competition.

HIP HOPYip, Mike is the one that is upside down in the very front.

Fire Department Winter Party

On Monday the Nephi Fire Department had their winter party. The food was delicious. I wish I could have ate more, but with my surgery I am still not up to eating much and for most things with flavor....I just can't eat! They had beef, creamed corn, potatoes and gravy, salad, and rolls. I think my favorite was the creamed corn. I would really like that recipe. For desert they had brownies with ice cream and chocolate drizzeled on the top and whipped cream. Yum! To bad I could only have a couple of bites, and that was pushing it for me! The firemen were debating rather to wear ties or not for the pictures. Guess what...Darin lost out. No way....That can't be Darin putting on a tie!

You can see me and Julie in the far back standing up....ya, we are standing directly under the heater so we could get warm. We were freezing!
Kurtis had to give the list of reports for the year.

And then to top the night off...the annual Firemen PicturesAnd then the Officer photo.

It was a nice party. Just wish I could have enjoyed the food more, and that I had my portable heater with me. HA HA HA

Friday, January 15, 2010

Drill Competion at Alta

Mike had a drill competition at Alta last Saturday. We spent the day up there watching all their routines. They did a great job. They took first in all things in their division. They did Military, Hip Hop, Kick, Pom, and Dance. Here are few photos from it. I was going to post video of it but Mike wont let me. She is afraid that the other schools will see it and take some of their ideas. LOL. So when all the competition are over I will post her videos. This weekend we will be heading to Richfield for another competition. Good luck girls.
Here are a few shots from a basketball game early that week.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Vacation

As I write this blog I am sitting here thinking how time has gone by so fast and there is only two days left of the vacation. Wow. We did have a great vacation though. On Christmas Eve we all get to open one present. And as much as Steph would like to pick out which one she gets to open, I have a set present we open. I'm sure most of you have this same tradition also...The opening of the wonderful Christmas PJ's. This year though I didn't just do the PJ's. We did the robes and slippers also....well all of except for Kurtis. He is just fine with his pajama pants. So before I let them dive into the pajamas we played a little Wii to get Christmas Eve Rolling.
But of course playing Wii was driving Steph nuts! She wanted to open the present! She sat right under the tree just eyeing up the present that she thought was the one she was going to open. After Torturing Steph long enough I sat them on the couch and made them wait again....hahah I am so mean....LOL.

Alright so I am not that mean....I finally let them have their present.
Steph went first then Sam and Ohhe poor Mike had to go last.

Then me and Kurtis got our turn.

I didn't get Jack a present but hey...he didn't need one....he had a blast with the wrapping paper!
"Ooooh look! A place for me to hide from all these weird people!"
Look at our lovely PJ's. LOL me and Sams even came with boxers!And then there are the robes! Gotta love the soft and cuddly robes!OK! now go to bed! Christmas will be here soon enough! See...There it is...... Christmas Morn.

Mikes favorite gift was her Tinkerbell car accessories for her car (floor mats, seat covers, steering wheel cover and a cd holder). Sams favorite gift was her Jenga blocks that she doesn't play games with, but builds houses with. She has a ton of them. Stephs favorite gift was her Ipod. Now she can be like Mike and Sam who got theirs last year. My favorite gift was 2 DVDs that mom had put together from our old 8 millimeter movies from back when I was growing up. I watched them all Christmas Morning! I laughed and I cried and my kids joked about the huge hair my mom used to have, and thy funky 70's clothes we used to wear. Ohe they were awesome videos! We had a wonderful relaxing day. In fact our whole vacation has been quite relaxing. Most the time me and the girls have just lounged around in our cozy bathrobes. But Kurtis on the other hand....because of all the snow we had, he was either pushing snow for the state, or out on wrecks and fires, or clearing the snow from our place when he had a chance.

And Poor little Mikes car out in the snow. She wanted to go put her new Tinkerbell gear inside, but not in weather like this! To bad Mike. For New Years eve we just all stayed here as a family and watched New Years Rockin Eve, and played Apples to Apples. It was yet another relaxing night! But now it is 2010. Wow. How time goes by. I hope this year is filled with lots of happiness and luck. Happy New Year to all!