Friday, July 31, 2009

GIRLS DAY..which was more than one day!

Girls Day...what can I say about this hmmmmm. We took the trailer up on a Monday and got it ready. Soon as Mike was done with drill on Tuesday Morn we headed on up with Grandma Kathy. The creek was the biggest hit. We built all kinds of nifty dams and swirls and such. We spent a lot of time there. It's amazing how entertaining a creek can be. We spent Tuesday night up there overnight, I brought Mike down at 5:30 in the morn on Wednesday to go to drill, then back up we went to have more girls day fun. We did crafts and ate tooo much food! We came down that evening and brought grandma Kathy back down. We stayed home that night but as soon as Mike was done with drill on Thursday morn..back up we went and spend another day doing creek thins, craft things and such. (And of course ate more food!) We are heading back up later today to just camp now for the weekend. Kurtis will be with us now, so we can't really call it girls day. I forgot to mention that we also did a photo scavenger hunt that lasted the whole time we were there. I will post the hunt later. But here some pics of the fun we had.

First thing we did after settling in was head to the creek. Steph and Grandma were busy finding wishing stones.
Grandma was picking up the biggest rocks out of all us helping to build our dam.
Sam enjoyed just sitting in the water on her chair.
Working hard on the dam still.
Ok, so as I get older my balance isn't what it used to be but hey these are some slimy rocks!

This nice pose was a graceful stop after slipping and sliding.
Hey what can I say? At least I didn't fall.
Mikes favorite was shoveling the rocks to build or dam and borders.
Ok a break from the creek. Time to work on our blocks.

Wait Sam...that's not your block. Now quit painting the rocks. Hey that would look good in our dam.


Oh Grandma your "g" is sideways.
Ok, blocks are done back to the creek we go.Mike decided to try her air soft gun.

Later that evening Grandma Park and Kurtis came up for dinner.

After if got dark we pulled out the next craft in the trailer and made buckets. We watched Mary Poppins while we made these. That is one of Mikes favorite movies since she was about 6 months old. After we were done with those it was time for bed.

Wednesday Morn Steph is ready to rock the world...well at least our campground.And yes back to the creek we go

Ok, another break from the creek to work on the next project. Our flip flops and hair clips. We also painted toenails. Me and Mike did fingernails too but no one else wanted to.

We went back home later that evening but came back up on Thursday and of course.....straight to the creek we go. Only this time everyone had a nap at the creek in their chairs. Steph got board with everyone having a nap so she went exploring all over the camps site. Can't keep her down for very long

Once we had lunch and got everyone up and going. We worked on our last craft project. I took Computer laptop boxes (which are nice boxes) from work and we modgepodged pics on to them for our picture boxes to store old photos in.

Then we just relaxed for while when they were done, cleaned up then came home later in the evening. So now we are just getting ready to go back up after Sam has her ortho oppointment and Mike gets home from a drill team unity. Hurry up girls...I am ready to go! I love being up the canyon. Here a couple of scenic pics from our creek and camping spot spot I did.