Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mike and Drill Team

Mike performed at her first football game with the drill team. It was fun to go watch. I think she is doing such a great job. It was a good night altogether, drill team did a great job and the football team won the game. I am so proud of Mike for the good job she is doing in drill. It is a lot of work. She is at the school every morning at 6:00 or so.....well she is now actually there at 5:30 because that is what time I go to work out, and if she wants a ride she has to go when I go. (POOR GIRL). She also has lots of after school practices, and other practices mixed in. But needless to say she is doing it! Here is her kick line routine, and then her sidelines. Double click on the picture to direct it straight to youtube, otherwise it cuts off half the routine. Also pause my music....sounds much better.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Yes, school is in motion as am I in the lab. I have actually been in the lab for quite sometime now getting everything unpacked, hooked and and ready to go. Lots of Computer IP number changes and Teacher computer changes and printer changes. But it's up and ready to go. Still coming across a few bugs here and there, but that is to be expected. I'm still waiting for the police department to return our 4 laptops that were stolen and recovered in a drug bust in Salt Lake. We also had stolen 1 emac. Why in the world would any one want one of those computers is beyond me. They are awkward to carry and weigh a ton. Believe me I know, I moved about 35 of them around in the move. But now that it is all set up I would like to show it off a bit. Here are a couple pics of the 1st computer lab
Here are a couple of the 2nd labHere is what the laptops look like that were stolen
Here is what the emac looks like
So if you see any of these roaming around a pawn shop or such let me know!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Click on the photo below to link you to JCP Creations Photography Scavenger Hunt. Lots of fun is awaiting you! Please Join!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our Girls Day Scavenger Hunt

We had a Photo Scavenger hunt during our girls day. We all had a camera and a list of things we needed. Me, Mom and Steph got into it and had a great time. Mike and Sam didn't want to do it. They missed out. Here is our hunt pictures.

First is Grandma Kathy's photos

These are mine
and here is Stephs