Sunday, June 12, 2011


Our Family went on a hike Saturday up Bear Canyon to see if the Snow slides have come down yet.  It was a fun hike.  If you would like to see more of our scenic photos of the hike you can visit my JCP Creations Blog

The river was moving extremely fast coming out of the canyon.

Of course Steph always has to make me nervous by getting so close to it.  She's not afraid.  Ok, so she'snot that close.
Sam is pondering about the icey cold water.

The snow slide coming off the side mountain with another river mixing in with the main.
Yes, we found snow! 

Another river coming off the side of the mountain into the main river.

Ok, Sam found a heart rock.

The snow slide in the main river where it broke through.

BYU's The Diary of Ann Frank

Since me and Sam have been studying the Holocaust together, when BYU was putting on the play "THE DIARY OF ANN FRANK" we couldn't miss the chance of going. We went and had lunch at the Brick Oven then went to the play. The play was so good. I enjoyed it so much more than the book. We had a great time.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Our Youth Conference went to Martins Cove this year, but we had some Beehives who were unable to go so me and Margaret to our girls to Cove Point for the Day. When we got there we had a picnic in the nice sunshine!

We then got our missionary guide who took us on the tour. We saw a wonderful movie to start off with then went on.

He taught us how to play a game that the Pioneers used to play. That was fun.

Then it was time to say goodbye to Cove Fort. I think the girls had a wonderful experience there. I know I did.