Monday, April 27, 2009


Sam had her last game down in Richfield on Saturday. They started a tournament on Friday night then went back Saturday morning for the next game. Unfortunately they lost the tournament, but these girls played the best they have ever played this season during the tournament. So even though we didn't win, we played some great games. I tried uploading her last game to YouTube for everyone to view because I thought everyone would enjoy watching 15 min. of my daughter playing basketball. LOL. Luckily for all you, YouTube wont except videos over 10 min. I bet your all so sad! LOL. Anyway I cut it down to about 5 min. You really don't have to watch it, I mainly am putting it there for my mother to watch since she was unable to see any of Sam's games this season. Anyway your more than welcome to watch it if you would like. Sam enjoyed these tournament games so much. You will either find her in the midst of the doggy piles or if she is not in the doggy pile, she is helping up those in the doggy pile. And of course with my wonderful video taping skills, I missed her foul shot, I missed the big big girl fall right on top of her, and I missed where the girl landed on her ankle and twisted it. There is part of the video where you can see Sam is favoring her ankle. It actually bruised up a bit the next day, but she was a trooper and kept playing the game. I'm proud of you Sam! Your a great ball player.

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