Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mike and Drill Team

Mike performed at her first football game with the drill team. It was fun to go watch. I think she is doing such a great job. It was a good night altogether, drill team did a great job and the football team won the game. I am so proud of Mike for the good job she is doing in drill. It is a lot of work. She is at the school every morning at 6:00 or so.....well she is now actually there at 5:30 because that is what time I go to work out, and if she wants a ride she has to go when I go. (POOR GIRL). She also has lots of after school practices, and other practices mixed in. But needless to say she is doing it! Here is her kick line routine, and then her sidelines. Double click on the picture to direct it straight to youtube, otherwise it cuts off half the routine. Also pause my music....sounds much better.

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