Monday, December 14, 2009


Tonight I hit a milestone.... I was able to walk 1 mile on the treadmill since my surgery. Now that might seem like a minimal thing to most, but for me it was a true milestone. Now, I know I have a long way to go to get back to my normal workout routine that I am so used to...waking up at 5 in the morn to go to the gym at 5:30 to lift weights and walk the track. But for now, sleeping till 6:30 until it is time for me to get the kids up and get us all ready for school and work will have to do. But on the sleeping note, I am getting more sleep thanks to an old neighbor who works at the hospital as a physical therapist. As far as my surgery, things are progressing great! Its one incision out of the six on my stomach that has caused me to be in constant pain and loose sleep over due to intense spasms that happen between 1 - 4 in he morning, and also causing spasms after eating a meal of regular people food instead of baby food, jello and pudding. But this therapist after telling him my situation wanted me to try something out. Now he didn't now if it would work or not being that I would be the first post surgery patient to try it out. It was just a self adhesive tape that is a self heating (and his words kind of voodoish) that you put on the area of trouble. He said most patients swear by it but to try it out on my situation. Well do I owe him a big thank you!!!!!! I have been spasm free for three days now. That area is still a tender area, but now maybe it too will have a chance to heal. I am not holding my stomach as much every time I walk, and I am standing up straighter and taller. I have to admit, I was not prepared for what this surgery entailed! Between and extra day in the hospital and a trip to the emergency room, there was no way I was going back to work a week and a half later like I had planned. But I am so thankful for my co-worker who jumped in and worked my days for me until I could get better and get back to work. I did make it back eventually, but going back too was harder than I thought. Through all this I have had my moments of frustration and breakdowns, but I am at a point where day by day things are getting better. And through it all, I made my new best friend....The Heating Pad! But, I am thankful for each little milestone I hit and look forward to getting back to all my normal routines.

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