Friday, May 28, 2010

Samantha's 8th Grade Promotional

Sam had her 8th grade promotional last night which now means that I am going to have two girls in High School! She graduated the 8th grade with an accumulative GPA of higher than a 3.9! Great job Sam! We bought her a new dress for her promotional and let me tell you how hard it is to find a decent dress for her. For one thing she is way dang picky. Another reason is she has such long legs and everything is so so short! We went through every store in the mall until we hit the last store and BAM! There it was. Me, Mike, and Sam gave the dress a thumbs up! It looked awesome on her. So of course me being me took her out and did photos of her in her new dress. Here are a few of my favorite. You can see more of them on my JCP Creations blog at
Sam is excited and scared to go to high school, but she will be taking a lot of friends with her, but will also be leaving a lot of good friends behind. Here are some of her friends.

Sam & Ally, she will be taking her with to high school.

Sam & Rachel. Rachel is going to be moving soon. SAD :(

Sam & Kassidy. Sam has to leave her behind.
Sam & Madi. Up to high school they go!
Sam & Sydnie. Making the high school leap.Then there is Sam & Kade. Sam has to leave Kade behind which is soooo sad. They have been the best buds.

Then here is the proud sister who will get to take care of her up in the big new world.
And of course the proud MOM!
I still can't believe she will be in high school! Man I'm getting old!