Sunday, November 30, 2008

A few of my favorite things!

OK, one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is the vacation time afterwards to start pulling out the Christmas decorations. Ok, it's not my favorite thing to start decorating, infact I get quite onery when I decorate, of the best things is pulling out the box marked "ORNAMENTS". Our family Christmas tree is what you would most likely call a modge podge Christmas tree. I have ornaments on there from when I was a kid, ones from when the kids were little, and ones from family and friends throughout the years. This is my favorite tree off all. I will take a modge podge tree over a beautiful highly decorated tree anyday. So, me and the kids will sit down and go through the onrnaments and reminsce about each one. They love it as much as I do. I buy the kids a new ornament each year to add to our collection. I tell them that when they are married they can take their ornaments with them and start their own MODGE PODGE tree. We have such a great time. Here are a few of our favorites.
This one is one I have had since I was a little girl. Even when Mom got a nice pretty cordinated tree, I still had to hang this one on the tree. This is the one ornament that I get so excited to see each year.

This one is one that represents my hobby of photography. I loved the old fashioned camera.

These represent my preschool teaching days.

This one realy represents what Steph is all about. Her love for ice cream!

These next two represents Stephs SCOOBY DOO faze and Strawberry Shortcake faze.

This one represents the love of basketball that Sam has.

And this one is Sams love of PIGS! We all get a kick out of this one!
And this one of Sams is from our phase of visiting the M&M World in Vegas.

And for Mike what would Christmas be without her love for Elvis! Here is her Elvis Ornament collection.

This one is special to Mike because it came from her "GREAT GRANDMA FLUFF" at least that is what she called her. It's really great grandma Huff.

And this one is one of Mike's favorites becasue it was her first ornament.
Now of course Kurtis doesn't get sentimental over all the ornaments so we have to do it for him. Me and the girls picked out this one for him because it does represent his love to save money. Kurtis is known for taking his own lunch to work everyday to save a buck. While everyone else goes out to eat every day, he makes his own lunch. So we thought this lunch box fit him perfectly.

And of course we can forget Jack who got his first ornamaent last year.

So there are just a few of our favorite things. Now here is what it looks like all put together. This is the modge podge tree.

Now, like I said Kurtis isn't sentimental over the Christmas ornaments, but the one thing that he is very proud of is that he gets his own tree. The FIREMAN TREE. This tree is loaded with fire department ornaments. I then get to build my villiage around it. The tree also comes complete with ladder garland and a fire hose, Kurtis's dads fire boots, and a Teddy Bear Fireman.

So now that I'm to this point, I am getting excited with the Christmas Spirit. It's a wonderful time of year. So I have also added to my playlist, some of my favorite Christmas songs. Enjoy!

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