Saturday, July 26, 2008

Annual Park Family July Camp Out

I can't believe it! It has been 12 years that we have been doing our Park Family July Camp Out. It all started back when Boyd Park (Kurtis' dad or otherwise known as Grandpa Boyd) Started a camp out at Becky and Allan's for all the kids. It has always been done around the 4th or 24th of July. We'd have dinner, he'd buy the kids ice cream from the ice cream truck. Becky would do her fireworks full of poppers, sparklers and anything else she could get her hands on. And I believe Diane always makes her yummy candy popcorn (which after eating way to much would always make my kids sick...hahahah) Then we would sleep out in our tents or under the stars. To top if off, we would wake up in the morning and have a big breakfast. Well since Boyd has passed on we have continued this fun family tradition. And we do it in memory of him.

This year we had 55 family members there. We were only short 5 people. Missy and Scott could not make it this year, Tana and Riley were at Bear Lake, and Mac is on his mission. So the evening started of by cooking dutch oven potatoes, corn, turkey breasts. We had salads, chips, and drinks. Here we are either preparing the dinner, or waiting patiently with hungry tummies! We even started a little fire on the stove from the bacon grease. Just adding a little excitement.

And the moment we have been waiting for! Dinner! So much yummy food. There is always plenty for seconds, thirds and so on.

Then after dinner we chill for only a brief moment.

Ok, chilling is over. It is time for ice cream bars, fudge sickles and orange creamies. We always have the ice cream bars and and such because Grandpa Boyd use to get them from the ice cream truck. We don't see that ice cream truck around much anymore so we come prepared with our own. Besides I don't think the ice cream truck would have enough to feed us anymore.

As usual the kids love to play after all the food is ate. They swing, they run, they do all sorts of fun things.

Then when it gets dark, Becky pulls out her fireworks for the kids to do. She is even brave and lets the kids do it. They have a great time.

Some like to do the fireworks, and some of us just like to watch.

And of course, this camp out is not complete with out a good 'ol card game.

Then it's time to get the pj's on. We hang out in the tents, but we know better, it's not bed time just yet.

Becky always seems to come up with more fun for the kids. Here they all are with their glow sticks. What a blast they had with these.

Then again we do a little more hanging out for a bit. Preparing ourselves for the next event.

And then it's time. It never fails. There is always a late night ball game to top the evening off with. And needless to say, I believe it has been played every year with the plastic bats and balls which it is probably a good thing being someone always gets hit with a ball.

And of course there are us spectators too. Allan's deck stairs made great bleachers.

Then we all hit the beds because we need to get a little sleep before our morning breakfast. This year we did French toast, bacon, sausage, and yummy hash browns done in a dutch oven.

Then after breakfast we do a little more hanging out. Lots of visiting.

And this year we got a bonus to our camp out. Marissa shared her CYCLONE slide with all the kids. So they topped off their day by playing on this.

I know when my kids got home from this camp out they all had a very long nap. It was another awesome year and it just keeps getting better. Boyd would be very proud at how we have kept this tradtion up. And I bet he is so proud to see how much his family has grown over the years. We added another one to the family today. At 4:00 in the morning Lindsey's water broke. She gave birth to a baby boy later on today. Congratulations Scott and Lindsey. Thanks everyone for another great year.


Jill Park said...

mom the PARTY was fun and we played sortball alot and Mrissa we had to pretend that she knew were the bases were but it was still fun P.S this is Stephanie

Lisa said...

I have blog jealousy.! (Sounds like a disease...ugh) Your blog is so cute, and the pictures you take, make us feel like we're right there. Nice job Jill.!