Saturday, June 6, 2009


Ok now that school is out, I have been tearing through the kids rooms and deeeeep cleaning and throwing away alot of garbage and such. We had so much garbage from this adventure it wouldn't all fit in the garbage can, not to mention we forgot to set out the garbage for the garbage truck this week. So needless to say, I had oodles of garbage bags piling up everywhere! When Kurtis got home from work we loaded up the truck with the massive bags and headed on out to the garbage ground to empty our load. We got them all dumped out and I jumped carefully out of the truck holding on to the end of the truck (the tailgate was down) as I was carefully stepping through soft ash to get back to the cab of the truck when all of the sudden SMASH I felt my fingers agonizing in a sharp hard pain. Kurtis didn't realize that my hand was still there and shut the tail gate right on it. I did a little painful dance zipping around the garbage ground and quickly hopped in the truck and said "Just get me home!" Blood started oozing out of one finger as I yelled at the girls to get me a paper towel or something. Ohe how they throbbed the whole ride coming back into town as Kurtis kept asking me "should we head to the dr.?" "No, just get me home!" Once home and icing up the wound and cleaning it up, we debated the rest of the day if it was broken. Finally Kurtis convinced me to go along with some advice from his ambulance buddies to go have it exrayed. So we went, but yay it wasn't broken, but boy was it swollen and greenish purple. Three days later it is still a little swollen and funny colored, but I think I just might make it! But no more tailgate parties for me at the garbage ground! But I have to laugh, they were so swollen that all the wrinkels in my fingers were gone. Hows that for younger looking hands. Ohe yes, i forgot to mention to that earlier that day me and Mike were moving a big desk out of her room sliding in down the tile in the hall when it got caught on the grout and I pushed hard and it flipped back and the corner of the desk bookcase hit me right on the cheek below my eye. Nice little shiner their. But what can I say at least I was lucky on both counts. I still have all my fingers intact, and the desk didn't hit my eyeball. Can't beat that now can you?

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