Saturday, June 6, 2009

Packing up the Computer Lab

Well, now that we got computer testing over it was time to pack up the school to get ready for a big move this summer. I really don't want to leave this school, but my two labs at the other school will be right together connected by a door. That will be nice. But I will miss our cubicles for each computer in this lab. Our new lab will only be tables. I think we also get a sink in the new labs too. It's always good to wash hands after touching all the computers that the kids have touched. We go through alot of hand sanitizer. Any way a packing I will go.

To start with I tore down the Chorus Lab with all the laptops and wrapped them in plastic wrap 4-5 together.

I spent some time in between doing other things loading boxes up here and there with all of our junk.

I then had to wrap each computer up in plastic wrap. (33 of them). That was actually kind of fun and therapeutic.

The lab is now ready for the call to come to say that the new school is ready. Hopefully in July is what they are telling us. I hope their right. I don't want to unpack all this if school starts before the school is done. AHHHHH. I'm sure the teachers would hate to unpack also. Cross your fingers that the school will be done in time!

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