Saturday, June 6, 2009

YAY Testing is OVER!!!!!!!!!

We did our last testing season at school with NWEA for this school year. I was set up in the Chorus Lab running the 3-6 graders through. This testing season was a little more complicated than the other testing seasons. Because we are piloting a program for the state to possibly replace the core testing, we had to combine a core testing along with the NWEA adaptive test. This made the testing alot longer than the normal testing time. There were also alot more technical issues than we usualy encountered. I'll have to say it was a very stressfull testing season for me. (Not to mention all the other technical teachers). So, when it got down to the last class testing.....I was so excited that we did a little celebrating towards the middle of testing. I was feeling so relieved!!.......until.........5 min before the testing was going to end for the whole school.....bam everything froze! We couldn't upload anything, we couldn't restart test....everything just went poof! So we ended up setting up another testing time for those who didn't finish the next day after everything reset. I could go on and on and on about all the technical issues we had but lets just say...I AM SO GLAD IT IS OVER!

Here are some pics of the class that I thought was going to be the end.
I had to take this pic of Steph. She was having stress on this science test. She sat and pondered one question for about 20 min.
Needless to say, she survived testing also.

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