Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Steph Singing at the Talent Show

Today Steph got the opportunity to sing at the school talent show. OOOOOh I was so proud of her. She did such a great job. And I don't even think she was nervous. Now that wasn't the case a few weeks ago when she about had a nervous breakdown over singing. We actually went and took her off the auditions because she was so upset, then my good friend Shanna stepped in and worked with her and convinced her that she could do it. Thanks Shanna! It paid off! She made my day!

Here she is waiting for it to start.

Then time to sing.....Notice no nerves! Maybe mine were enough for both of us!
After she was done we both took a couple of relief breaths. But I was sooooo PROUD!
Here is Steph with Miss Shanna who helped her so much. Again Thanks Shanna!
We took a few pictures outside the school when she was done because she looked so cute!
Then she made me take her to lunch! Since I was so proud of her I thought I better. We went up to Wendys so I could eat a frosty. She was happy with that. Got herself a kids meal that came with a smaller frosty. I traded her and gave her the bigger one and I took the little one. That's I'll I needed....ohe ya I had a small fry to dip into the frosty. YUM YUM.
It was so nice to have a day with Steph. I needed a great day and she gave it to me! Thanks Steph for doing such a great job. I am so proud of you!

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