Monday, August 11, 2008

Signs of- "THE END OF SUMMER!"

Yes, the signs are all over for me that summer is coming to and end! It is so sad to see the time go. Summer is such a wonderful time yet it goes all to fast. I guess that is what makes it so special though is that you have to cherish it while it is here because you know it will be gone soon! Here are a few of the signs that I have been seeing. My garden, yea now there is a big sign. Here is the Squash, pumpkin and tomato plants flourishing massively. Notice my peas are gone, they had their season along with the radishes, turnips and cilantro. My strawberry's struggled due to the little birdies that guarded over the garden. Sneaky little things.

Another Sign is all the vegetables that are rapidly producing in the garden. We have been living off of spaghetti squash and crookneck squash. But hey with the prices of grocery's lately it has been nice. I have also enjoyed my green peppers and cucumbers in my salads and Jalapenos for salsa.

Another Sign is that my flowers in my front mound are finally starting to grow. They finally look they they aren't still in their pony packs. This is in an area where the weeds will not grow either! We h ave landscaping issues here!

My bushes in the back are doing really well and spreading.

My Hens and Chicks (which my kids call "hens and chickens and chickens and eggs") have done really well and are spreading.

And of course a great sign is my garden gloves. They are worn and well used by this time of year!

Another bitter sweet sign is the ending of Me and Mike doing K&J window washing together. During the summer it becomes J & M window washing. Good little job for mike while it helps out Kurtis during his busy year. We are required to do Top Stops windows once every two weeks throughout the year. For those of you on the list for windows, please be patient. We are getting there! We had a crazy summer with softball, then when Kurtis found the time of course the threatening of rain decided to come. Yes another sign of summer ending. Doesn't Mike looked thrilled..hahahah.

A huge sign is when your are getting close to the calendar date marked "School Starts"

And Always, when the county fair comes you know that end of summer is here! But it is always fun to go see the animals, exhibits and entertainment.

My favorite entertainment this year was the Demolitions Derby. I think it was a great derby this year. Here are some of my favorite photos I shot.

And always at the derby I am a widowed, the fire department is there to assist with any fires which means Kurtis is out there and I am sitting alone with the family. But this year Kim Howard and her family sat with us. She is also a fire department widow. But we are thankful for our men doing their job.

Here is Kurtis helping out on a couple of fires that happened. He is the one in the red hat.

The kids enjoyed the Demolition Derby.

But the best entertainment was my great Nephew Triston who treated us with his awesome dance abilities while the music was playing. Let me tell you, if you want some dance lessons...this is the boy to come to. What a cutie he is!

But there you go, the end of summer is coming and there is no stopping it. I guess we just go with the flow and look forward to next summer. This summer was filled with some great memories! And now we can move on to the next stage in life......FALL!

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