Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

Today would have been my Dads birthday if he were still alive. He died in 1992 of a massive stroke. He was 50 years old. To young if you ask me! I miss him greatly! Here is a picture that me and mom found tonight. This was a picture of his 50th birthday. Little did we know it would be his last.

We found a couple of other pics of him. This one was of him out on his project for the State Road. He worked for the State Road for as long as I can remember. Growing up he worked in design. I remember always going to his office and watching him draft plans up. He'd always buy me a pop from the pop machine. He later moved up to a Project Engineer. I think this was a very stressfull job for him. But he did it well!
This one was of him in his office at home most likely doing somekind of studying. He was always doing somekind of learning for work. It didn't come easy to him, but he worked at it till he could figure it out.
I just wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday. I miss you Dad!

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