Saturday, September 6, 2008

We're on a shooting spree

It was such a nice day today that Kurtis decided that we were going to go to the shooting range today and shoot our guns. So me, Kurtis, Mike, & Steph headed on up. Sam went shopping at the mall today with a friend so she didn't get to go with us.

We had a lot of fun shooting. Steph was having fun just climbing on the rocks and such. Thank goodness Kurtis remembered the ear plugs. It can get a little noisy. We all took turns shooting at the target. Here we are shooting the 22. Steph was getting a kick out of the ricochet noises.
Here is the 38 Special.

It was Stephs job to see if we hit the target or not. Like our target? I think it is time to buy some new laundry softener.
I also got a chance to shoot my gun. A 32 Automatic. Yes Kurtis bought this for me way back in the yonder years when I worked in Orem. We were newly married then. that's an old gun!
Mike pretended to shoot my gun when in all seriousness she was scared of it.
Now here are two of the most awesome BOND GIRLS. Ha ha ha.

But all in all we had a good time shooting. I hadn't gone and done that for awhile. I mean really, I guess I should go shoot my gun once in a while. Maybe next time I can take the Tide bottle. What can I say...We're all just a bunch of red necks.

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